Upcoming Events
January 31st - Birthday Celebration Oakland Park Aftercare
February 1st - Black Excellence Festival (City of Lauderdale Lakes)
February 7th - Soul Fest - City of Oakland Park
February 8th - Baby Shower
February 9th - Gude Wedding
February 14th - Valentines Day Celebration - Oakland Park Aftercare
February 15th - Christopher's Monster Truck Bash
February 15th - Birthday Party
February 21st - Birthday Celebration - Oakland Park Aftercare
February 21st - Private Event
February 28th - Toshana's Wedding
March 7th - Birthday Celebration
March 14th - Dancing in the Street - City of Oakland Park
March 15th - Cadenhead Anniversary Party
March 21st - Spring Eggstravaganza - City of Lauderdale Lakes
March 28th - Spehar Wedding
April 12th - Youth Day - City of Oakland Park
April 27th - Stephanie's Wedding
May 16th - Birthday Celebration
May 17th - 40th Birthday Party
June 6th - City of Oakland Park
June 19th - Juneteenth Celebration - City of Lauderdale Lakes
July 10th - Birthday Party
July 19th - Birthday Party
July 26th - Community Resource Fair - City of Lauderdale Lakes
July 26th - Class of 2010 15 Year Reunion
August 5th - National Night Out Against Crime - City of Lauderdale Lakes
August 30th - 70th Birthday Party
September 12th - Senior Gala - City of Lauderdale Lakes
September 19th - Latin Fest - City of Oakland Park
August 1st - Rivera Wedding (Orlando)
September 4th - Grays Wedding